The APS Member Community
American Public Square at Jewell Members join a community who finds value in engaging in fact-based, civil discourse about issues important to American communities. A Membership directly supports APS’ efforts offer to fact-based insights and exposure to diverse and divergent perspectives through APS programming.
An APS Membership grants individuals access to Members-Only content, such as our Cocktails & Politics events, priority registration to APS events and other exclusive benefits.

Three questions with APS' longest active Member, two of our first Members, and two of our newest Members
APS' Longest Active Member

Adam, what keeps you coming back to APS programs?
What doesn't keep me coming back!? The variety of topics, professionalism, new exciting venues around town, consistency, communication from APS, friendliness of the volunteers and staff and ease of attending in-person and virtually.
What do you gain from APS programs and content?
Information, education and a laundry list of topics/words/phrases I need to research more. Plus the events and membership are FUN - a great way to spend my free time. I've bought several of the books promoted by the authors/guests. APS is just a fun way to get out of my bubble and continue learning and educating myself.
What would you tell others about your APS Membership?
If you want to learn more, meet new people, explore Kansas City and really understand how other neighbors live life, join APS to help participate in rebuilding our civility.
Joining APS almost a decade ago has been one of the most important steps I've taken in my continued adult education. I've learned so much about how to open my mind to differences, societal pressures on different groups, but most importantly I've really gained an immense amount of empathy for my fellow neighbors and their views. Since joining APS I've gotten involved in several local nonprofits and local citizen committees, simply to improve my knowledge of civics and government.
My absolute favorite quote, which I heard in my very first APS event via Ambassador Katz, regarding people you disagree with, "....they may not live in your neighborhood, but this is their country too."
Two of APS' First Members

David, Cynthia, why have you continued to be a part of the APS Member community for nearly ten years of programming?
Not only has APS met the standard it set at the outset, but it also delivered opportunities to meet people that we otherwise might not have come together with. We find the mutuality of respect becomes a good platform for us to share ideas, hear new thoughts, gain a new respect for the life experiences that give people opinions that vastly differ from ours, and yet we discover our values and our goals are often very much the same. That's a discovery that keeps us coming.
What would you tell others about the APS experience?
Our political system will not be a source of social progress unless good people, energized and open-minded people, participate in it. When that happens, there is a good reason for hope. Try one session of APS – even if it's not a topic you think you would have interest in. Give it a try. Hope is not a strategy. Hope is the energy of strategy, however, and when you attend APS events, you may very well find your hope is energized. That's a pretty good deal because when that happens, there are all sorts of things you will find yourself doing to make a difference.
What else do you want to tell us about your nearly ten years of being involved with APS?
It's fun, but not frivolous; it's engaging, but not hard work. Most of all, the people who participate seem to have a wonderful sense of humor, but it is not laden with the cowardly tone of sarcasm that so often characterizes political punchlines these days. And for those of us who are not necessarily wise but do categorize themselves on the actuarial tables as elders of the crowd, the energy and imagination of the young people participating in this process can be nothing less than inspiring.
New Members in 2022

Michael, Megan, what motivated you to become APS Members after relocating to Kansas City?
We moved to Kansas City from NYC at the end of 2021. Megan grew up in Emporia, KS, but Mike had never lived anywhere but the East Coast (Philadelphia and NYC metros). Mike was looking for a way to get engaged in the KC community and to learn more about local politics and issues when he heard about Ambassador Katz’s work with American Public Square on a podcast and signed up to attend “Protect and Serve Kansas City.” We were blown away by the representation on the panel and the in-depth resources provided by APS on the issue. We became APS members to support this type of invaluable programming - we even got Megan’s mom and dad to join as members in 2023!
What have you gained from attending APS programs?
We try to attend as many APS events as possible, so we can learn about the national and local issues that impact Kansas City, hear diverse perspectives on those issues, and connect with other engaged community members. We walk away feeling more informed and equipped to be better KC citizens.
Has anything you learned in an APS program changed your perspective or caused you to engage differently with others?
It is easy to see only one side of an issue with the way we access news and information with today’s technology. APS programs have taught us to listen to different views and emphasize civility when talking about topics that can be contentious or affect one personally.
Cocktails & Politics with Jason Kander, community activist and author
December 2022
On December 13th, American Public Square at Jewell hosted its Members at a special holiday version of Cocktails & Politics at the beautiful J. Rieger Distillery. Attendees enjoyed appetizers and drinks and had the opportunity to hear from Kansas City’s own Jason Kander in conversation with Alana Muller, APS Community Director.
A former Army Captain who served in Afghanistan, Jason Kander was elected to the Missouri state legislature in 2008 and as Missouri Secretary of State in 2012, making him the first American millennial elected to statewide office. In 2018, Jason publicly acknowledged that he was considering a 2020 presidential campaign. Months later, he surprised many by choosing instead to run for mayor of Kansas City. Three months into that campaign – which seemed destined for victory – Jason shocked the political world by ending his candidacy and stepping back from public life to seek treatment for post-traumatic stress he’d been struggling with since coming home from Afghanistan. Today, Jason is the President of National Expansion at Veterans Community Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to fighting veteran suicide and veteran homelessness.
Jason sat with APS Members in December to share insights from his latest book, “Invisible Storm: A Soldier’s Memoir of Politics and PTSD,” and his involvement with Veterans Community Project.

American Public Square
Civility Champion
Allan Katz and Nancy Cohn
Mark and Mary Jorgenson
Lewis Nerman and Sue Seidler Nerman
William and Stacy Pratt
Bob and Ann Regnier
Paul Russell and Beryl Raff
John and Marny Sherman
Cyprienne Simchowitz and Jerry White
Corporate Members
Melissa Beltrame, Lead Bank
McClain Bryant-Macklin, Health Forward Foundation
Andrea Gomez, Hallmark Cards
Margo Hellman, Lathrop GPM LLP
Matthew Johnson, Optum KC
Tammy Long, Missouri Chamber of Commerce
Kimberly Lor, Lead Bank
Jeanette and Kevin Prenger, ECCO Select
Jennifer Sykes, Health Forward Foundation
Dr. Rodney Smith, William Jewell College
Elizabeth MacLeod Walls, William Jewell College
Foundation Members
Mayra Aguirre, Hall Family Foundation
Beth and Joe Allen, Sherman Family Foundation
Adam Erickson, Patterson Family Foundation
Sarah Fox, Oppenstein Brothers Foundation
Larry Jacob, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Thomas and Jean McDonnell
Leo Morton, DeBruce Foundation
Ramon Murgia, W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Movement Leader
David and Cathi Brain
SuEllen Fried
Bill and Christy Gautreaux
Irvine and Ellen Hockaday
Lee Norman and Mary Hull
Jennifer Isenberg
Harvey and Michele Kaplan
Ward and Donna Katz
Allan King
Josh and Tricia Maxfield
Patrick and Marti McLarney
Jim and Rebecca Pruett
Ron Sachs
Jeannine Strandjord
David and Cynthia Westbrook
Michelle Bartlett
Ann Baum
Jonathan and Sarah Baum
Nancy Bean
Claire and Denton Bishop
Stevi and Jeffrey Brick
Pete Browne and Julie Walker-Browne
Bunni and Paul Copaken
Shavon Danner and Scott Cozad
Kay Barnes and Tom Van Dyke
LeVon and Adam Hamilton
Robert Lee Hill
Gregg and Beth Lombardi
Frank Lipsman and Janet Mark
Phillip and Janet Miller
Colleen Nelson
Lynne and Mark O'Connell
Patricia and Steven Pisarkiewicz
Mark and Pam Woodard
Karen Glickstein and Don Swartz
Donna Oberstein and Ace Allen
Bud and Jennifer Bacon
Bridget Barry
Lewis and Carol Berey
Patricia Burroughs-Bishop
Betse and William Gage and Chase
Catherine Stark-Corn, Country Club Christian Church
Rita Cortes
Harper and Rebecca Coulson
Debbie and Ira Cox
Elizabeth Darr
Jerry Eisterhold
Hannah Fenley
Ed and Sandi Fried
Lauren Weinhold and Scott Fuller
Jennifer Garmon
Judge Jon Gray
Marc Hammer, Alana Muller, and Ian Hammer
Cathy and Joe Hiersteiner
Barbara and Anthony Hill
John and Sharon Hoffman
Sam Hofmeier, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner
Vince and Cindy Johnston
Tom and Marsha Jones
Kurt and Stephanie Kavanaugh
Dena Klein
Wim and Debora van Klinken
Kay Johnson and Bill Koenigsdorf
Bill and Regina Kort
Siobhan McLaughlin Lesley
Kelly and Andrew Lightfoot
Cathy and Terry Matlack
Howard and Vicky Mayer
Matt Moeder
Theresa Schekirke
Tommye and Stan Sexton
Jennifer Sirangelo
Jeff and Robin Smith
Shaun Stallworth
Mina Steen
Michele Stowers
Amy and Ed Tranin
Howard and Geraldine Trilling
LeRoy and Trish Unruh
Kristen and David Wing
Toma and Andy Wolf
Jean and Bob Zeldin
Alice and David Achtenburg
Jensen Adams
Katie Allison
Robert Andrew
Gary Armstrong
Susan Asjes
Alan and Mary Atterbury
Mohammad Azeem
Gary Baker
Cheryl Barnes
Chuck Bayse
Irv Belzer and Sue McCord-Belzer
Ryan Bernsten
Ruth Baum Bigus
Philip Black
Phil Blank
Anne and Bill Blessing
Mary and Tom Bloch
Sandy Bonar
Judy Bordeau
Ashton Botts
Gina Bowman
Seaton Bradford
Maribeth and Alan Brennaman
Herb and Bonnie Buchbinder
Zak Akagi-Bustin
Michael Byro
Chuck Caisley
Lesa Chandler
Rick Chandler
Pati Chasnoff
Florence Cohn
Mara and David Colbert
Patricia Cole
Monsignor Stuart Swetland, Donnelly College
Maggie Collins
Ramona and Gary Collins
Dee Dee Cooper
Jeffrey Cooper
Francisco Seixas da Costa
Robert Costa
Meliah Cranmer
Caleb Daniels
Patrick Davich
Matthew Davis
Dominque Davison
Mary Dees
Angelica DeSimio
Audrey Doering
Jeff Doering
Adam Dolski
Paul Douthat
Stephen Doyal
Carol Ducak
Eileen Duggan
Peggy and Terry Dunn
Leah Edens
Sandy and Susan Eeds
Peggy and David Ekerdt
Adam Erickson
Mary Espinoza
Tamara Falicov
Joseph Falk
James Falls
Susan Fershee
Ashley Fick
Marjorie Finley
Kathleen Fitzgerald
Catherine and Michael Fitzner
Douglas Ghertner
Mary Louise Gibson
Lee Ann Googe
Charles and Barbara Gorodetzky
Gwen Grant, Urban League of Greater Kansas City
Joni Green
Yvonne Hales
Brian Hall
Savannah Hawley
Dave Helling
Leslie Herman
Christa Hines
Madison Hopkins
Dakota Houchin
Jo Ella Hoye
Matthew Hughes
Karen Hughey
Feisal Istrabadi
Maneesh Jhunjhunwala
Mari John
Mark Johnson
Arlene and Bob Kagan
Anita Kaiser
Jason Kander
Ellen Karp
Sofia Khan
Judy Kirk
Friend (cont.)
Susie Kirschbaum
Dr. Carla Klausner
Marli Klumb/Jason Klumb
Leigh Anne Taylor Knight, DeBruce Foundation
Susan and Marty King-Kostelac
Mitchell Krasnopoler
Steve and Cindy Kunz
Margaret Kutter
Ed Kutter
Sam Cullan and James Landrum
Chris and Bryan LeBeau
Brad Lemon
Sharon and Peter Loftspring
Jane Long
Howard Lubow
Mayor Quinton Lucas
Linda and Mike Lyon
Mike Maasen
Jack and Deborah McLaren
Zachary Mertes
Jerry and Lauren Miller
Lorene Miller
Deann Mitchell
Charlene and Max Muller
Eric and Lydia Muller
Linda Neal
Gary Nevius
Melissa Oeffner
Mike O'Reilly
Greg and Sybil Orman
Frances Otto
Steve and Karen Pack
Chris Peterson
Mary Pflanz
John and Diane Phillips
Lilliane Pintar
Kevin Pistilli
Craig Plank
Toriano Porter
Rachel Priest
Clarke Prophete
Lynn Badaracco and Ike Quiring
Mike and Kathy Rainen
Javon Ravin
John B. Readey
Jerry and Patty Reece
Randall and Mary Ann Rhoads
Kai Ringenson
David Ritblatt
Sharon Ritter
Jason Roberts
Julie Robinson
Charlotte and Bob Ronan
Martin Rosenberg
William D. Rubin
Sheila Ruble
Canise Salinas
Steve Schwegler
Brook Van Scoyoc
Suzanne Shank
Ruth and Steve Shapiro
Robert Simon
Steven Simon
Cindy Skaurud
Shane Smeed, Park University
Sally Smith
James Stacy
Mará Williams, The Kansas City Star
Phyllis Stevens
Barbara Stillman
Trevor Stone
Jack and Barb Stuber
Monsignor Stuart Swetland, Donnelly College
Marvin Szneler
Bill and Marcia Tammeus
Oneta Templeton
Sherry Templeton
Ursula Terrasi
Richard Titterington
John Trewolla
Sharon Valasek
Jane Vansant
Gail Vessels
Greg and Elizabeth Vonnahme
Linda Wade
Amanda Wahlmeyer
Joe Walker
Greg Walkup
Sarah Starnes and Kelvin Walls
Frances Wenner
Joni and Fred Wickham
Nancy Williams
Michael and Maggie Wood
Charles Wurth
Marilyn York
Karl Zobrist
Casey Booth
Michelle Distefano
Joni Harrell
Mary Humphreys
Joy Jackson
Alicia Keffel
Mauriana Lindsey
Teresa Mainzer
Mary Murphy
Jamie Schlenk
Keith Schoen
Ashlyn Steller
Katherine Sweeney
Timothy Tasler
Tatyana Turner
Alexander Walls
Ian Wooldridge
With thanks to our 2022
Bridget Barry, Chair Jenny Isenberg Cindy Johnston Janet Mark Trevor Stone Lauren Weinhold Wim van Klinken